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0845 , 0870 and 0871 Marketing Numbers Copperbean is a provider of Freephone, Local, and National Rate services, often described as non geographical or marketing numbers. Copperbean provides most numbers free of charge. In some cases you may receive a rebate on incoming call volume. There are no monthly or yearly service charges to pay. Why should I have a non geographical number? Marketing numbers give you a national rather than local presence - making your business look bigger than it is.The same number can follow you to anywhere in the UK - you do not need to change your contact number even if you move your premises. This is a huge saving on re-printing headed paper and business cards, also ensuring no orders will be missed during the move. Perfect for new start up companies. Some marketing numbers (e.g. 0870 / 0871 / 0905 ) give you a rebate commission on each of your incoming calls - giving you an extra income for your business Finally our numbers give you the ability to track your marketing campaigns - by assigning different marketing numbers to different promotional activities you'd be able to measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns and therefore alter your marketing strategy next time. How do they work? The numbers simply point to your existing landline telephone numbers. You won't lose your old numbers and your customers can still ring your old numbers should they wish. • there are no call charges and no monthly or yearly service charges • no change to your existing telephone number(s) • no hidden costs, if you want to change your service, ie Redirect to a different number or order advanced call statistics, just call us for the price. For most numbers we provide there are no redirection charges (within reason) For a complete price list click here.0870 Number SummaryRebate commission paid for each INCOMING
Lead time: Up to 48 working hours after we receive the order , although normally same day. 0871 numberGives
you a ‘national' rather than a local company presence Higher
rebate commission for each INCOMING call at all times Caller will be charged at 10p/min at all times Lead time: 48 working hours after we receive the order0800 numbers Free phone number to caller, therefore maximise the possibility for incoming calls (e.g. sales line, information line etc.) Lead time: 5 working days after we receive the order. The receiver of the call pays the charges. 0845
costly than 0800 numbers Lead
time: 5 working days after we receive the order We offer two types of 0845 number Type One: 0845 Number >We have a limited number of 0845 numbers available for free with no ongoing call charges. You can only order these by telephoning us. To order call 0871 288 4071. The free 0845 numbers incur additional charges if you need to make changes, for example there is a £25 charge for changing the destination number.Type Two: 0845 number No set up charges, or change of destination charges, but there is a cost per minute as detailed below. Charge for each incoming call:
0906 NumberGain great rebate commission for each INCOMING call You can charge callers from 15p/minute up to £2/minuteHow do I order? To order a number call 0871 288 4071 or try our web service |