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Discover the biggest change at Weight Watchers in years. With new Switch, make small changes to your life, which mean big changes to your weight. Now with an online plan.

Reach your goals - Weight Watchers can help you make positive changes to lose weight and keep it off. Find out how. Get started today

Ways to make Switch work for you

Weight Watchers Meetings
Weekly motivation and real life inspiration to help you reach your goals.

At your Weight Watchers Meeting, you'll choose what works for you and your lifestyle, with all the encouragement you need.

Weight Watchers Online
Follow Switch online with our interactive weight-loss tools and resources.

You'll have access to hundreds of recipes and meal ideas as well as habit guides, food plan guides and interactive quizzes.s

Weight Watchers eSource
Web-based tools for Weight Watchers meetings members.

If you're attending meetings, Weight Watchers eSource makes it even easier to follow your choice of food plan and see your progress.


Start losing weight today with Switch, new from Weight Watchers!

New Switch recognises that everyone is different. Discover the small positive changes you can make and take control to reach your goals.

Find personal solutions with the Weight Watchers 10 Winning HabitsT.

Choose one of two flexible, healthy food plans:

  • No counting, no fuss.
  • Eat freely from a comprehensive list of foods.
  • Eat three meals a day until you feel comfortably full.
  • Snack on fruit and vegetables or the occasional treat in controlled amounts.
Full Choice
  • Complete flexibility with your POINTS® allowance.
  • All foods are given a POINTS value based on a unique formula.
  • Discover your own personal daily POINTS allowance.
  • Eat any food, just stay within your daily POINTS allowance.

About Weight Watchers

Weight Watchers has always believed that dieting is just one part of long-term weight management. A healthy body results from a healthy lifestyle - which means mental, emotional and physical health. Weight Watchers does not tell you what you can or can't eat. We provide information, knowledge, tools and motivation to help you make the decisions that are right for you about nutrition and exercise. We help you to make healthy eating decisions, and we encourage you to enjoy yourself by becoming more active.

At Weight Watchers we believe that healthy, long-term weight loss is within everyone's reach and we will help you reach your weight loss goals:

  • Providing you with two ways to lose weight: Full Choice plan or NoCountTM plan.
  • Guiding you to make positive changes to your behaviour.
  • Motivating you every step of the way.

In the early 60's, Jean Nidetch, an American woman from Queens, New York, discovered the best way to control her weight was to be able to eat normal food and talk to friends and other people who could understand, and support her.

Jean invited some friends to her house for a coffee one day and asked if they'd join her in following a medical diet recommended to her by her hospital dietician.

They agreed to meet regularly just to talk about how they were getting on. Jean started holding meetings in other people's houses too and the group began to expand. She teamed up with businessman Al Lippert and together they founded Weight Watchers.

Four years later, the first meeting in the UK was held near Windsor. Since then the company has continued to expand: in the UK alone over 6,000 Meetings are now held each week by a Weight Watchers Leader who has also lost weight successfully with Weight Watchers.

And now, Weight Watchers is reaching others via the website: www.weightwatchers.co.uk

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